Jumper T20S Update // T20 Is Discontinued

1,718 Views · Posted 1 year ago
- AE: https://bit.ly/T20S-AE
- BG: https://bit.ly/T20S-BG
- Jumper's AE Store: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/5108044
- T20: https://bit.ly/T20-AE

╔════╡My Gear╞═════════════════════╡
║ ► Goggles - FatShark HDO2 - http://bit.ly/HDO-2
║ ► RX Module - http://bit.ly/rapidFIRE
║ ► Radio Controller - Radiomaster TX16S: http://bit.ly/TX16S-MAX
║ ► Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro: http://bit.ly/D6-Duo
║ ► Lipo Batteries: http://bit.ly/G-N-B

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* RadioMaster: https://bit.ly/Radio-Master
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#jumper #jumpert20 #elrs
Posted By

Gal Kremer

1273     130    

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