Joshua Installs LaForge In His Dominator Goggles

16,447 Views · Posted 8 years ago
In this video, I muddle my way through the internal install of the LaForge module and diversity module in my Dominator HD2 goggles. There are several very good instructional videos on YouTube showing how to do this. This is NOT an instructional video. This is just one guy fumbling around and eventually getting it done, and I figured y'all might like to watch me do it.

Long story short, I got it done and it works. A few points.

1) I am installing LaForge because it was the first one to hit my doorstep. I will be testing Furious True-D, Clearview, Nexwave, and any of the other modules that I can get a hold of. Look for the test results in the next month or so on my channel It depends on how fast the product gets here and how long the testing takes. Because this is such an important decision, I want to actually live with the modules a bit before reviewing them.

2) Thanks to a commenter on the livestream for suggesting putting foam behind the diversity module if you get light leaks. I used the very foam from my LaForge boxes. Stuff it in the part where the head strap goes too. Zero light leak.

3) I did not end up modifying the diversity side of the goggle case at all. I'm not sure if the V2 diversity module is different than the V1 or what, but it fits in okay with no modification. I can't really see where I would mod anyway, if I did. For the time being, I simply have duct tape over the diversity module and some double-sided foam tape to hold it in. Once my testing is done and I decide which of the modules I will end up keeping, I will figure out a more permanent solution.

4) The video is blurry because I used my Galaxy S6 as a RTSP web-cam in order to get the video into my streaming program. For whatever reason, the video was very blurry. I tried all possible encoding and resolution settings. I also checked to be sure and it is NOT a focus issue on the camera. The image is soft at all focal distances. I won't be using this option again, but for tonight, it was what I had. I am a terrible YouTub-er. Sorry.

Thanks to Bruce at UBAD ( for providing the LaForge.
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Joshua Bardwell


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