ImpulseRC Alien 5" Maiden Flight. Double RAW with PIDs

3,920 Views · Posted 9 years ago
After a few very quick flights to sort out a basic tune, this was my first chance to test out the alien. It was also my first time fly with an SBUS reciever and I have to say the difference compared to my blackout is simply mind blowing. This thing is just so locked in, so responsive. I dont think the tune is 100%, im still a bit careful with it being so new, but wow, I can already tell this is a new chapter in my flying.

Technology is amazing :D

Also apologies for the lack of gopro tilt, I didnt realise how much I would need haha

For anyone running Cleanflight 1.9 these PIDs might work for you.
Looptime 1200 - PID controller 1

ImpulseRC 5" Alien FPV Frame
Cobra 2204 2300kv Motor
Gemfan 5045 Bullnose props
Rotorgeeks RG20 ESCs
SPRacing F3 Acro - Cleanflight 1.9
Taranis Plus
X4r SBUS receiver
4S 1300mah 60C Lumenier lipo -

GoPro Hero 3+ Black.

571grams AUW
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Snake FPV


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