Check out the world's cheapest GPS trainer drone... I got a chance to fly the Hubsan H502E and show off some of the cool modes and the camera quality. Watch the video to see an example of how this light weight drone returns to the home point. Enjoy the flight guys! - Kindly, Justin Davis @ DC/RC
Buy a Hubsan from here:
- Affordable GPS quad!
- Affordable GPS trainer
- Two sets of props
- USB charger
- Headless Mode
- Return to Home
- Easy to fly
- Connects to more than 10 Satellites
- Light weight
- 10 min flight time
- cheap parts and batteries
- Easy to setup and fly
- Red props make it easy to see
- 720 HD camera and decent photos
- Fun to fly for what it is. :)
- Doesn't fly in wind well.
- Camera would be nicer if 1080p.
- brushed motors. Would be 5 stars with brushless motors.
- Odd battery size. Hard to use other batteries.
Review courtesy of Drone Camps RC.
Music by: Not the King.
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