HQProp 5x4x4 (Quad prop test)

14,180 Views · Posted 9 years ago
First flight on HQ's new 5x4x4 prop, random tune, only got to fly one pack, so here's an uncut flight with the raw sound all the way up (because these props sounds crazy).

Initial impressions:
- more pop
- more bite around corners
- more top end
- not as much of a battery killer that i thought it would be (official thrust tests coming soon)

motors = rx2206-2350kv (lhttp://www.getfpv.com/motors/lumenier-rx2206-11-2350kv-motor.html)
ESCs = ImmersionRC 20a EzESC (http://www.getfpv.com/vortex-250-pro-20a-ezesc.html)

AUW (including gopro) = 520g
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