How To Fly A FPV Racing Drone - Lesson 6 - Low Altitude Maneuvering

37,132 Views · Posted 9 years ago
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This series of lessons uses the free FPV Freerider simulator to teach a complete beginner how to fly an FPV multirotor in acro (no autoleveling) mode. You can learn to fly a quadcopter at home in front of your computer for almost no money. You can learn to fly without any fear of crashing and breaking an expensive toy. And yes, the things you learn here WILL translate over to real life.

The simplest way to avoid crashing a racing drone is to be high up in the sky, where there is nothing to crash into. Unfortunately, most races are held down near the ground, because it's harder that way, and people like watching expensive copters crash. If you intend to fly a racing drone, you'll need to be able to maneuver close to the ground. This lesson is more or less an extension of what you've already learned, with an emphasis on altitude control. The closer you are to the ground, the less leeway you have to drift up or down.
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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