How To Do Backflip Under An Obstacle | QUADCOPTER TRICK TUTORIAL

25,292 Views · Posted 8 years ago
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Doing a quadcopter backflip up in the sky is easy: just pull the stick back and wait until the horizon comes back around again. Doing a backflip close to the ground or under an obstacle is harder. But it doesn't have to be out of reach! I'll give you a technique to help you master this trick.

Parts List:

Lumenier QAV-R frame (
Xracer F303 v2.1 (FPVMode.coml)
Betaflight 2.9.1 @ 4k/2k Oneshot125
Rotorgeeks RG20 Plus ESC ( / BLHeli 14.6
Rotorgeeks 7075 2205/2700kv motors (
DYS 5x4x3 Props
Foxeer XAT600 / HS1177 (
FrSky X4R-SB receiver (
TS5823 200 mW vTX
Aomway cloverleaf antenna
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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