Home Sweet Home, Trixie!!!

285 Views · Posted 6 years ago
OMG, SHE'S BACK!!! Unbelievable!!!
When we plugged her in, her motors needed oil, that is legit the only thing I did before flying her! Unfortunately, the crash killed my GoPro mount, and that's still in the desert lol All in all, I'd say it's still a win!!

*Be sure to watch in 1080p*

Background Music: Home Sweet Home by Mötley Crüe (I do not own the rights to this song--solely used for entertainment and not monetized) No copyright infringement intended

For a complete list of parts use when flying, the most up-to-date parts can be found IN THE DESCRIPTION of the videos below:

For my newest build, BOLT, another Armattan Chameleon Ti:

Trixie, my Armattan Chameleon 5" quad:

Luigi, my racing drone.. prototype frame by soaraerospace

Wolverine III Build, click the link to check it out!! https://youtu.be/Fe-qwhf_aUM

For Pinky, my Tweaker180, click the following link to read the description of the parts and components used in that build!!

Posted By

Meghan Michaels

257     94    

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