Hobbyking Quanum Overlord 6-Way Diversity FPV Receiver | FIRST LOOK

24,353 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Traditional FPV diversity receivers let you select from one of two antennas. The Hobbyking Quanum "Overlord" 6-Way Diversity FPV Racing Reciver (keyword keyword keyword LOL) lets you select from one of SIX antennas. This is not simply a case of "more must be better". This allows you to set up an array of high-gain atennas which gives you the best of both worlds: long range with a 360 degree coverage pattern.

This video is NOT a full test. It's just a quick first-look at the product. But I am too excited about this product even existing to hold off showing it to you any longer than necessary. Expect a full review in the next few weeks.

FTC Disclosure: This product showed up on my doorstep randomly one day. It was sent by Hextronics. I don't really know any more about it than that, but suffice it to say, I didn't buy it.
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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