Helinox Ultralight Portable Camping Chair

2,430 Views · Posted 8 years ago
This is the ideal ultra portable chair that we can carry with us on the field when needed for those long sessions where you know you’ll need some time out or if you FPV sitting down.

A while ago we did a review video on the Helinox Ultra Portable Outdoor Table, which we still use and absolutely love! We had a number of comments on that video saying we should really give the Helinox Chair One a go in both the comments and personal messages. Here is the link to the Table video we did earlier this year.

It’s worth mentioning these chairs are not cheap chairs but for the same token they are well priced when you consider the build quality, comfort and durability. We’ve been using these chairs and they honestly bring an incredible degree of comfort when going out for those long flying sessions.

Saying we like these chairs etc is a total understatement! These basically tick all the boxes as far as we’re concerned. A big thank you to everyone that insisted we try these chairs!

More videos to come on some of the gear we use including the DSLR Lowepro Flipside 400AW Bags that we use for our FPV Gear and the new ThinkTank FPV Bag we received recently.

Product Link
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