FPV Training Session - KentuckyFPV - TBS Crossfire Vlog

4,288 Views · Posted 7 years ago
FPV Training session on a perfect Spring Day for a change. Thomas is on his final week of school holidays before he gets to end of year exams for his final year of High School and this is one of the training sessions we managed to squeeze in.

We met up with Ken (KentuckyFPV) and the three of us set up a track and pretty much did packs the whole day. Thomas got to fly Ken’s Kraken and Ken got to fly Thomas’ latest Helix which is sporting the Prototype 32bit T-Motor ESCs and Prototype F40 Pro Motors.

In this video Thomas shares his thoughts on the Crossfire after the last month or so of flying with it and dealing with changing back and forth between it and SBus.

Thomas' Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqSqgB3706A

Kentucky's Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/kentuckyfrier

Music provided by AirwaveMusicTV (https://www.youtube.com/c/AirwaveMusicTV)
Aarre & Kedam

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