FPV Mini Quadcopter GoKart Track Racing - Melbourne

15,318 Views · Posted 9 years ago
This is the second venue the Melbourne (Australia) Multirotor Racing Club has scouted out and this was some test racing to see how the track would work out. This was a very small and tight track but still very flowing and the guys loved it. Will have a follow up video on this track and MMRC soon.

Special thanks to MMRC for organising this venue and also to Dale who was the one running around the track and getting all the ground shots of this race between Thomas and Ryan.

I've added a timer which shows both of them getting faster and faster after almost each lap.

Thomas is flying a 3S Minion 220 here running Dragonfly MC1806 motors. Need to change the camera so we can take it up to 4S. His Bolt should be ready for the next meet

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