Fatshark Transformer SE | WOW WHAT A SCREEN

41,008 Views · Posted 7 years ago
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The Fatshark Transformer is a box-goggle with a trick up its sleeve. It can be used in the usual "box" manner, or with a "binocular" viewer that splits the screen into two halves. The binocular viewer has adjustable diopter for those who need corrective lenses, and a wider field of view than nearly anything else on the market.

As good as these goggles look, they're not perfect. They lack a few usability features that are found even on goggles half their price. For $200, the Transformer SE Binocular Bundle should be carefully compared to other box goggles in that price range to see if the pro's outweigh the cons. But the original (not-SE) version of the Transformer Binocular Bundle is available for around $100, and I think it beats everything else in that range.


Transformer SE
* Purchase at ReadyMadeRC - https://goo.gl/feu3Gs
* Purchase at GetFPV - https://goo.gl/k5wZep

GetFPV has the original Transformer HD with binocular viewer for about $100. Purchase here: https://goo.gl/qq5G73
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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