Exploring Snowy Burj Al Babas from the Air (Turkey)

10,713 Views · Posted 1 year ago
Hanging with @andrewnormanwilson_actually in Turkey

Questions Check here V
New HD Dead Cat Frame - https://bit.ly/3Bog4Tr
NEW V4 Motor - https://bit.ly/3HRMNDd
New Radio - https://bit.ly/3AOQ3fh
NEW MR STEELE DISCORD SERVER https://discord.com/invite/QvRxCvf4S4
Ready To Fly Mr Steele Drone - https://bit.ly/2RMwbET

ETHiX is my Company & we aim to refine FPV.
Please check us out - https://ethixltd.com
- Triple E Hat - https://bit.ly/34I7FhS
- Black Ethix - https://bit.ly/3fE0RCq
- T Shirt - https://bit.ly/3duvgkO
- Hoody - https://bit.ly/2yBtAr7
- Beanie - https://bit.ly/3fEPydn
- Stickers - https://bit.ly/2WJmFEh - (Vinyl) https://bit.ly/3GVOlL0

MY personal Amazon Shop.

Please Follow me on other platforms
TIkTokP: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrsteelefpv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrsteelefpv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrsteelefpv



- Drone Frame - https://bit.ly/2SWdNKd
- 6S motors - https://bit.ly/3HRMNDd
- Flight controller - https://bit.ly/3GM1xCc
- ESC - https://bit.ly/3qXUwr5
- Props - https://bit.ly/37gmGpI
- FPV Cam (camera tilt 25°) - https://bit.ly/3czLZTC
- Video transmitting antenna - https://bit.ly/2YURw3w
- Video Transmitter (800mW) - https://bit.ly/2MH5KPZ
- Lightweight 6S Battery - https://bit.ly/36hke4e
- Ethix Battery Straps - https://bit.ly/3fEC419 & https://bit.ly/2yOR241
- Lightweight HD cam - https://amzn.to/3uThMv2
- New HD Cam - https://amzn.to/3LFepxu
- Action 2 Lens protector MUST HAVE! - https://amzn.to/3s0LDzX
- GoPro Lens protector MUST HAVE! - https://amzn.to/3LA0Lf7
- Ethic GoPro Strap - https://bit.ly/2AdIsfy
- NEW* ALL UP WEIGHT - 613g -

_ ETHIX Packing Gear _
- NEW Back Pack - https://bit.ly/329rVDr
- Radio Bag - https://bit.ly/2WlMgnw
- Heated Battery Bag - https://bit.ly/3bl6YbG
- Tool Kit - https://bit.ly/2YUTcJZ
- PROP Bag - https://bit.ly/2Wm7Qbv

_ Radio Gear _
- Ethix V2 Neck Strap - https://bit.ly/34YWIbF
- Radio - Ethix Mambo - New Radio - https://bit.ly/3Jspa4w
- Radio Transmitter (long range) - https://bit.ly/2PglGqw
- Radio Receiver - https://bit.ly/2OE6NNK

_ Goggles _
Ethix Goggle Strap - https://bit.ly/352eVVq
- NEW FPV Goggles - https://bit.ly/2TI3UkN
- Goggle Pouch - https://bit.ly/34Ih5tK
- FPV Goggle Receiver - https://bit.ly/2PP5WzH
- **NEW FPV Receiving antenna (omni) - https://bit.ly/30mTSrl
- **FPV Receiving antenna (directional) - https://bit.ly/3bsS1rl
- Ear Bud (for Quad Audio) - https://bit.ly/36aQsOp

_ Battery Charging Setup _
- Charger- https://amzn.to/2nKx0Pe
- Power Supply - https://amzn.to/3oMDltl
- Parallel Charging Board - https://bit.ly/2MiCDTw
- Battery Checker - https://bit.ly/2yNyBg3

_ Home Camera SETUP_
- Sony A7siii - https://amzn.to/3gQvMgW
- Macro - https://amzn.to/2Ds9v4D
- Wide angle - https://amzn.to/2HZzQfV
- fluffy critter - https://amzn.to/2mCL9xo

_ Tools/parts _
- ETHIX Prop Tool - https://bit.ly/3gQ72oY
- Tool Kit - https://bit.ly/2YUTcJZ
- ETHIX builders cable set - https://bit.ly/2WKCSsT
- Field Soldering Iron (literally, best thing I have ever purchased)
- *Soldering Iron Cable (need) - https://bit.ly/2MtqB8T
- Quality solder - https://amzn.to/2uJ89z3
- Quality Electrical Tape - https://amzn.to/2mzWkqp
- Quality Heat Shrink -https://amzn.to/2uH96rP

#FPVFreestyle #Ethix #MrSteeleV4
Posted By

Mr Steele

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