ᑫᵁᴬᴺᵀᵁᴹ ELSKI

4,857 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Phase 1 of my canine time traveling experiment.

song: Slacks
artist: St. South
link: http://bit.ly/2pzn5eB

Have you heard our new podcast? https://fpv.fm/

AUW: 577g
SIGN: Capricorn
FRAME: XHOVER r5Lx: http://bit.ly/2l8OJNY
FC: BF F3 FC: http://bit.ly/2l8GscV
ESC: DYS XSD 30a v2: http://bit.ly/2nc8J57
MOTOR: EMAX 2306 2400kv: http://bit.ly/2nAkZgJ
PROP: DAL cyclone 5046 v2: http://bit.ly/2mCTeQl
RX: XM+ SBUS: http://bit.ly/2pd2Jvx
VTX: TBS unify HV: http://bit.ly/2kqE848
LIPO: Thunderpower Adrenaline 1300: http://bit.ly/2kKCEgT
RADIO: Taranis (Butter Module™ enabled) https://goo.gl/a719j4
GOGGLES: Fatshark Dom v2
VRX: La Forge v2 rx
GoPro session 5 @ 23.459º
GoPro Settings: https://goo.gl/qeQIh1
Shoes: Galoshes
Rates and OLD, NO LONGER USED TUNE: http://imgur.com/a/yadEu

Check me out on insta: https://www.instagram.com/gapit_fpv/
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