Drone Nationals 2016 Freestyle
41,035 Views · Posted 8 years ago
After a rather frustrating few days it was good to get out and do some Freestyle at the USA Drone Nationals 2016 and actually have some fun. Here is my winning flight for the Freestyle final with the music I chose layered over the top. I hope you enjoy.
Guerrilla Radio by Rage Against The Machine
Parts used:
FatShark Dominator HDV2 googles
LaForge receiver
ImmersionRC 600mw 5.8 VTX
Spironet antenna
HS-1177 with 2.5mm lens
Alien 5" frame
Tattu Top Pilot 1300 4s battery
KISS 24a (new 1.03 FW)
Lumenier 2206 2350kv
HQ 5x4x3 Glass Nylon
FrSky Taranis (5db antenna mod) with X4R receiver running S.Bus
GoPro 4 Silver