DRL Takes Over the BMW Welt in Munich on July 28 - Buy Tickets | Drone Racing League

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Buy Tickets Here: https://bit.ly/2s5ZG72

Am Samstag, den 28. Juli 2018 bringt die internationale professionelle Drohnen Rennserie Drone Racing League (DRL) den verrücktesten 3D-Rennsport der Welt in die BMW Welt. 12 der weltbesten Drohnenpiloten fliegen in einer Mischung aus Star Wars Pod-Racing und Formel-1 mit Geschwindigkeiten von über 130 km/h vor den Augen der Zuschauer durch einen spektakulären Parcour. DRL-Rennen verbinden den Nervenkitzel des Autorennsports mit futuristischer Drohnentechnologie und machen Ihn so zum Sport der Zukunft.

The Drone Racing League (DRL), the world’s only professional drone racing circuit, is bringing the world’s most insane, 3D racing sport to the BMW Welt in Munich, Germany on Saturday 28 July, 2018. Combining the thrill and speed of pod-racing from Star Wars with the real world adrenaline-filled racing of Formula 1, the race will feature 12 of the world’s greatest drone pilots racing at speeds of over 130 KPH! DRL races blend the thrills and crashes of auto racing with futuristic drone technology to create The Sport of the Future.

Download DRL Season 2
iTunes: https://apple.co/2rTr4FX
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2IRnbes

DRL is the premiere professional race series for FPV drone racing. The Drone Racing League brings the world's best pilots together to fly the custom designed "DRL Racer 3" drones to race head-to-head through world class 3D courses in iconic locations. Drone Racing is the sport of the future. For more on the races, crashes, and competition: www.thedroneracingleague.com.

Visit our Official Website: www.drl.io
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