Dazed and Confused

58 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Hitting up the park with Autobot Fpv. This is part one of two spots at the park that day. Hope you enjoy, thanks for watching!

Music Credit: Pretty Lights vs Led Zeppelin

Special Thanks:
Mini Quad Mafia - http://miniquadmafia.net/

Autobot fpv - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdaX14wC73WSPqCLMcxcbzw

Quad Gear:
Frame: Remix
Motors: Chee Pass Motors
FC: Hobbywing f4
ESC: Hobbywing 40a 4-in-1
Camera: Runcam Swift 2 Mini
Props: HQProps 5x4.8x3
Vtx: Team BlackSheep Unify Pro HV
Reciever: Crossfire nano
Radio: Taranis x9d Plus Rockmonster edition/Crossfire
Battery: China Hobby Line - https://chinahobbyline.com/
Antenna: FarVew self built Pagoda.
Goggles: Fat Shark Dominator V3 16:9
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