Daytwa IV

1,745 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Haven't gotten a flight edit done in a while but I haven't been feeling well for the past couple days which gave me a minute to go back and look at some older footage. I've been sitting on this edit and I'm still not 100% happy with it, but sometimes you have to hit the button, call it done, and move on.
I'm very excited to share all the things I'll be working on next.


MQC Fusion
DYS SE2205 2300kV
DYS xs20a ESC / BLheli_S
Motolab Cyclone / Betaflight 2.7.1 / 8kHz/4kHz
RaceKraft 5045 TriBlade
GoPro Session

#drone #fpv #fpvfreestyle #miniquadclub
Posted By

Le Drib

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Up Next

some things I haven't talked about...
Mattyflip Challenge! & ND filters for FPV?
three dead buildings