Dark Beaches

2,653 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Was out in California for the Holidays visiting family, decided to head to the beach for some amazing sunset flying, but the clouds blocked it out, turned out to give a cool dark look to the footage anyways.

Checkout our new channel Showmewhatyougot: https://goo.gl/fiKUMO

Freestyle Setup:
* Shrike Freestyle Prototype frame (https://showmewhatyougot.co)
* Tiger Motor F60 2450kv (http://www.rctigermotor.com/html/2016/fpvmotors_0407/307.html)
* KISS24A ESC (http://flyduino.net/KISS-ESC-2-5S-24A-race-edition-32bit-brushless-motor-ctrl_1)
* KISS Flight Controller (http://flyduino.net/KISS-FC-32bit-Flight-Controller-V103_1)
* RK 5051x3
* ThunderPower Adrenaline 1300mah 4S 80C (http://www.thunderpowerrc.com/Products/FPV-Adrenaline/TP1300-4SA80X)
* HS1177 (1.8mm lens)
* TBS Unify Pro HV (http://team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:unify_pro_hv)
* TBS Triumph (http://team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:tbs_triumph)
* TBS Crossfire microrx
* GoPro Hero 5 Session
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