DAL 5X45X3 Bullnose V2 triblade prop test!

5,090 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Well, it has to be said, i love these new DAL 5045 V2 Bullnose triblades. Balance seems good, nice and snappy with enough current drain to make your ESCs cry. Seriously, don't buy these for efficiency, but if you like power, pop and the scream of triblades, you will love them! Thumbs up.
You'll notice my P roll gain is way too high here, the later flight videos are a lot smoother!

Props purchased here: http://www.hobbyrc.co.uk/4pcs-dal-t5045-tri-blade-super-durable-propellers-2x-cw-2x-ccw-green

Frame: QAV 250
Motors: Emax race series 2205/2300kv
ESC: little bee 20A
FC: Naze32 betaflight (airmode)
Batt: Multistar 4S gold-spec 65C
Camera: mobius action cam (1080p 30fps)
Camera mount and FPV camera mount (25 degree angle prototypes)
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NJ Tech


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