Is this the best micro brushed quadcopter available for $70 today? No. Was that sentence blatant click-bait? Yes. I review the Cheerson TINY 117 Mini FPV Racing Quadcopter. Specifically, I compare it to the last micro brushed copter that I reviewed, the Eachine QX90.
This copter is more powerful than the QX90 and more durable as well. But I was never able to get it flying quite as well as I did the QX90. On the other hand, I destroyed my QX90's (yes, plural, I destroyed three of them) in under ten packs each, while at least the Cheerson stayed in one piece.
All 117 quadcopters being shipped today have the F3 Evo flight controller on them. Assembly instructions for this flight controller are here:
There is another video out there that has instructions for the F1 board. The receiver on the F1 board does not wire up the same way, and those instructions won't work.