Chad Nowak - Removing One's Self from the Equation

1,078 Views · Posted 6 years ago
As many of you know I'm good friends with Chad ( Recently, CASA (the Australian equivalent of the FAA) has forced him to take down one of my favourite videos of his, "Removing One's Self from the Equation", a video made with friends on a very special weekend spent on Moreton Island.

He's complied of course, as he doesn't want to risk a fine or losing his RPAS certification, but I happen to have a copy ferreted away, and they can't threaten me...

Please download, share and enjoy this beautiful piece of art, the making of which endangered no people, whales or dolphins.

Google Drive:


Chad's response to my leaking this video is below:

As I'm sure some of you are aware, CASA got me in trouble for some of my videos recently and I was told to take them down. Below is a reply to some of the other posts talking about my situation.

Thanks for the support guys. I make videos because I am passionate about them. I don't care about views nor subscribers. I couldn't even tell you what those numbers are. I don't care for showing off or fame. I merely want to share something I feel is amazing and hope it inspires people in some way, shape or form.

Unfortunately we who hold this common passion are held back by a few annoying hurdles. None of which are our fault. Media, public perception and regulation. The media likes a news headline and scaring people is the best way to do it. That then disrupts public perception with fear. Unfounded fear. As a result of that the government instigates regulation as a stop gap. This has been the same with all intrusive technologies. Over time as more of the population use this disruptive technology they become accustomed to just how unfounded the fear was and the regulation subsides.

Unfortunately we are still in the times of silly regulation and I fear by the time this changes the 500ft airspace will be so hotly contested that it will no longer be about fear but instead about who has the most push and deepest pockets.

As a hobbyist community we have very little say. As a niche FPV community we have even less. I don't know what the answer is but I refuse to be pushed around and treated like a criminal when statistics show we are actually one of the safest forms of aviation of all time. That right there says something considering the government organisations who regulate us are "only" there for safety.

Just like Skateboarding, the actions of the regulators will do nothing to stop people doing what they have always done. It will merely make them go underground. That fixes nothing. Now I'm not saying you should go out and do crazy things just to make a statement but I will say, continue to do what you do while being safe. Be safe but forget the regulation. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking they are the same. They are far from it. Keep doing what you are doing but be smart about how you do it so you can cover your tracks a little better.

First off, NEVER admit to anything when asked by the authorities about a video. They have no ability to prove it was you flying and that is a fact. Secondly. They cannot prove what aircraft you are flying. Smaller than 250g quads are becoming more common place. Thirdly, if you truly don't care about subs and fame like so many say so then you can easily start up a YT account not in your name.

FPV is not a crime and so long as we are not actually endangering peoples safety or privacy it should remain that way. After my many years involved with the regulators I do not believe they will ever listen to us. What they want is for us to all do circuit work at model aircraft fields. I for one won't accept that and doubt the rest of you will either. We CAN exist in the outside world doing what we are currently doing and not be safety hazard. We are already demonstrating that.

Feel free to download this video for your own use (A friend who has a copy decided to share it). If CASA want me to take mine down then fine but they can't stop others from doing what they want with it. Upload to your YT channel and tag anyone you want. I share this footage because I think it is beautiful, inspiring and most important safe and not a crime.

Thank you again, Googles down, thumbs up...
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