Butter Flight Frame Maiden.

140 Views · Posted 6 years ago
I'm not really one to do in depth frame reviews. I'm much better at just ripping them. So here is a little edit of the Butter Flight Frame Maiden. This thing rips and can absolutely take a beating. I had one awful crash that actual killed my last Session in turn wiping the last video file with it. Also I suck at vlogging and completely forgot to shoot an outro lol anyway enjoy guys and be sure to smash that like button and sub.

_ Kwad Gear _

- Frame - Butter Flight Frame
- Motors - Prototypes
- ESC - BF 32
- Props - HQ V1S 5x4.3x3
- FPV Cam Runcam Swift 2
- Video transmitting antenna - TBS Triumph
- Video Transmitter 800mW - TBS Unify Pro
- Battery - Thunder Power 1300
- HD camera - Hero Session 5

_ Radio Gear _
- Radio - Tranais QX7
- Radio Transmitter - Crossfire Micro
- Radio Receiver - Crossfire Micro

_ Goggles _
- FPV Goggles- Fat Shark Dom V3
- FPV Goggles Receiver -LaForge V3
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