Blackout Mini H-Quad FPV - Dog Beach Huntington Beach, CA

936 Views · Posted 11 years ago
Testing out a few different tunes to see if I could get it to handle wind better. I think this is the best it's going to get. A little bit of "jello" in the video still due to a bent motor shaft. Next video will be on the new 3s blackout motors.

Blackout Mini quad frame (
Acro Naze32 FC
Afro ESCs 12a
Tiger MT1306 motors
ImmersionRC 600mw vtx
Mobius ActionCam Wide Angle Lens

Music Credits: Home Grown - Surfer Girl
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Back to the hotel - RAW FPV Drone flight
Dog Beach HB - FPV Blackout Mini H Quad - PID Tuning session
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