Betaflight "Motor PWM Speed Separated from PID Speed" Feature

28,241 Views · Posted 8 years ago
The Betaflight option, "Motor PWM Speed Separated from PID Speed" controls whether the flight controller will use synced or un-synced motor output. Synced motor output means that the motor PWM signals are updated at the end of the PID loop. Un-synced motor output means that the PWM signals are generated by a separate hardware unit on the FC, and are independent of the PID loop.


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Some questions I'll address are:

When should you use synced motor output? When should you use un-synced motor output?

What are the benefits and down-sides of synced vs. un-synced motor output?

Is there a benefit to running motor outputs faster than the PID loop?

When might you want to run motor outputs slower than the PID loop?
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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