Best Value For Money? SpeedyBee F405 V3 $70 Stack Overview

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SpeedyBee F405 V3 BLS 50A 30x30 FC&ESC Stack

Product Name SpeedyBee F405 V3 30x30 Flight Controller
IMU(Gyro) BMI270
USB Port Type Type-C
Barometer Built-in
OSD Chip AT7456E chip
BLE Bluetooth Supported. Used for Flight Controller configuration
DJI Air Unit Connection Way Two ways supported: 6-pin connector or direct soldering.
BetaFlight Camera Control Pad Yes(CC pad on the front side)
Current Sensor Input Supported. For SpeedyBee BLS 50A ESC, please set scale = 386 and Offset = 0.
Power Input 3S - 6S Lipo(Through G, BAT pins/pads from the 8-pin connector or 8-pads on the bottom side)
5V Output 9 groups of 5V output, four +5V pads and 1 BZ+ pad( used for Buzzer) on front side, and 4x LED 5V pads. The total current load is 2A.
9V Output 2 groups of 9V output, one +9V pad on front side and other included in a connector on bottom side. The total current load is 2A.
3.3V Output Supported. Designed for 3.3V-input receivers. Up to 500mA current load.
4.5V Output Supported. Designed for receiver and GPS module even when the FC is powered through the USB port. Up to 1A current load.
ESC Signal M1 - M4 on bottom side and M5-M8 on front side.
UART 5 sets(UART1, UART2, UART3, UART4(For ESC Telemetry), UART6)
ESC Telemetry UART R4(UART4)
I2C Supported. SDA & SCL pads on front side. Used for magnetometer, sonar, etc.
Traditional Betaflight LED Pad Supported. 5V, G and LED pads on bottom of the front side. Used for WS2812 LED controlled by Betaflight firmware.
Buzzer BZ+ and BZ- pad used for 5V Buzzer
BOOT Button Supported.
[A]. Press and hold BOOT button and power the FC on at the same time will force the FC to enter DFU mode, this is for firmware flashing when the FC gets bricked.
[B]. When the FC is powered on and in standby mode, the BOOT button can be used to controller the LED strips connected to LED1-LED4 connectors on the bottom side. By default, short-press the BOOT button to cycle the LED displaying mode. Long-press the BOOT button to switch between SpeedyBee-LED mode and BF-LED mode. Under BF-LED mode, all the LED1-LED4 strips will be controlled by Betaflight firmware.
RSSI Input Supported. Named as RS on the front side.
SmartPort Use any TX pad of UART for the SmartPort feature.
Supported Flight Controller Firmware BetaFlight(Default), EMUFlight, INAV
Firmware Target Name SPEEDYBEEF405V3
Mounting 30.5 x 30.5mm( 4mm hole diameter)
Dimension 41.6(L) x 39.4(W) x 7.8(H)mm
Weight 9.6g
Product Name SpeedyBee BLS 50A 30x30 4-in-1 ESC
Firmware BLHeli_S JH50
Wireless Configuration Full Configuration Supported in the SpeedyBee app
PC Configurator Download Link
Continuous Current 50A * 4
Burst Current 55A(5S)
TVS Protective diode Yes
External Capacitor 1500uF Low ESR Capacitor(In the package)
ESC Protocol DSHOT300/600
Power Input 3-6S LiPo
Power Output VBAT
Current Sensor Support (Scale=386 Offset=0)
Weight 13.8g

#speedybee #stack #fpv
Posted By

Gal Kremer

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