Awesome XT60 to USB Charger with Low-Voltage Alarm

15,332 Views · Posted 7 years ago
The Strix USB Power Adapter lets you charge one USB and two XT60 accessories off of a 3S to 6S LiPo. It's got a voltage readout and an adjustable low-voltage alarm to keep you from accidentally damaging your batteries by leaving them plugged in too long.

To be honest, the only thing that would make this better would be if it had more than one USB port. You've probably got more than one USB accessory that you'll want to charge at a time, and there's no reason to have to buy two of these just to do that. But overall, I think this is an exceptional value at $13, and I bought it the instant I learned it existed.

Buy it here:
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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