I'm back on my Island "Aruba" for 2 weeks to be with family, play some shows and fly my drones :D Also I just released my brand new music single "Be There" but this is not the official videoclip for it though. The official video is coming soon...the music is already available on iTunes, Spotify, Deezer etc. Feel free to use it for some FPV videos ;)
This a compilation of 2 days flying in extreme winds up to 45 km per hour which is really nice when your just chilling in the sun but kind of scary when flying my mini quads, so I wasn't trying to take too many risks :S Had some close calls but nothing major. Flying both my Epiquad 210x and Tyrant180. Beta flight 2.4.1 & 2.6.1
Song is written by Vince Irie & produced by Oscar Bor.
Big shoutout to my main sponsors Diatone and Gemfan for keeping me in the air.
Big thanks to T-Motor for the F40 motors I'm running on my Tyrant...And also thank you Epiquad & Quadcoptersenzo for sending me this Epic frame and spare parts :D