Armattan Rooster - JUST CRASHES (fpv)

13,067 Views · Posted 7 years ago
I have been flying the Armattan prototype at as many places as possible trying, not trying to break it but flying how I normally do and that usually ends in breaking shit. So far the frame is holding really well, There hasnt been any major crashes (as of yet) but I will keep you informed If I do destroy it :)
Tried a heap of different props on it as well. List below.

Thanks to Armattan for keeping me in the air!

Gear list

Armattan Prototype 5" miniquad frame
Runcam swift 2.
Betaflight f3 flight controller - pdb,osd.
Armattan 30A esc's D-shot 600.
T-motor F40 pro's 2600kv

Frsky xm+ receiver.
ImmersionRC Tramp V2 vtx.
HQ 5x4.3x3
HQ 5x4x4
Dal 5046 tri-prop.
Gemfan 5152 flash

TBS stubby antenna.
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