6 blade Gemfan prop test - Flight, balance and thrust tests!

84,496 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Results: Peak thrust and Amp draw

Tri blade - 930g - 19.2A
Quad blade - 1058g - 22.8A
6 blade - 1078g - 27.03A

6 Blade - http://imgur.com/v8pwUef

Normal tri blade - http://imgur.com/534zE3N

Check out Dragon RC for all the quad/FPV things! - http://www.dragonrc.com.au/

Follow me:
YT - http://www.youtube.com/c/OldSnake47
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/snnnnaaaaaa...
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Snnnnaaaaaake

Quad specs!

ImpulseRC 5" Alien FPV Frame - http://impulserc.com/
Gemfan 5040 3Blade props - http://www.dragonrc.com.au/Gemfan-Tri-blade-5040-White-NGF-Prop-p/gf-t5040wngfp.htm
KISS 30A ESCs - http://flyduino.net/
KISS Flight Controller - http://flyduino.net/
Team Black Sheep PNP50 OSD
Taranis Plus
X4r SBUS receiver
4S 1300mah 75C Bonka lipo
4S 1300mah 37A SMC lipo
620grams AUW

Video -

GoPro Hero 4 Silver.

Fpv gear -

Dominator V2 goggles
Internal fatshark 5.8 receiver.
Posted By

Snake FPV


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