5000 Subscribers Competition Draw - Winner Announcement and Prize

1,047 Views · Posted 11 years ago

A Big thank you to everyone that entered this competition in support for Flite Test :) It's a great show and I think we are so lucky to have a great bunch of guys who bring such a great production to our hobby.

I've never put a link back to Flite Test because I assume everyone knows who they are, but I did receive a message from someone saying I should also link them . . so here it is:

Also a BIG Congratulations to Alex the lucky winner!!
It's worth noting that Alex initially picked the FT Cruiser Speed Build Kit, but we got in touch with him again and said he needed to pick something else also, so he also picked the Anycopter Quad 370, hence the two items to make it worth while :)
Alex's Youtube Channel

Thank You for watching our Channel :)
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