4 items with #sticker

Big big day! Thanks for all who have shown the love over the last few days and today, we see the inevitable! We seriously love all of our viewers and we'd like to send you a sticker if regardless of if you thumbs up or thumbs down or just comment! Shoot us a message! #youtube #opinions #drones #drone #coffee #coffeeanddrones #fpv #stickers #sticker #rotorriot #rotorriotrampage #rotorrampage #quads #quad #multicopter #flynoceros #multicopterbuilders
Guy Throws Rocks at my Drone
Tiny Whoop warning sign stickers are here! Check out the sticker set on tinywhoop.com!! We're also giving away a set in the pinned post of the facebook group "TINY WHOOP Micro FPV Pilots of the World"!! . #tinywhoop #stickerbomb #sticker #stickers #lowflyingaircraft #warningsign #dronestagram #droneracing #dronefly