23 items with #prostatus

What a race and what a great time, I finished 42nd out of the 78 pilots that were at the Nortch Central Regional Final, had a few mid airs and a couple mistakes that could have put me in but I am not complaining, for not racing all summer I am very happy with how well I did gives me the motivation to go ham next season, I did not make it on "the list" of 72 that will go to champs, but I will be heading to Flite Fest Texas to try to secure the wild card slot down there, I hope I can pull it off!!! Congrats to the winners and shout out to the hometown homies that made it in!!! The North Central regions is the biggest and toughest region to race in glad to have such good talent to compete against. Great seeing all the familiar faces. Until the next one pilots;-) #rmrc #strixrc #screechr #multigp #droneracing #fpv #quaddiction #prostatus
Look at this giant scratch build thing is a boat so much fun to follow nice piloting @paintz2007 #rmrc #strixrc #scratchbuild #quaddiction #4k #gopro #hero6 #airvuz #followme #prostatus #fpvaf #fpvlife #drones
Had an awesome memorial day weekend did you? #rmrc #strixrc #screech #gopro #hero6 #slomo #airvuz #quaddiction #prostatus #screech #drones #droneracing #fpvfreestyle #fpvlife #fpvaf #6s
another one!! #flyhelio #helio #springboard #odin #quaddiction #rmrc #strixrc #airvuz #hero6 #prostatus #gopro #propkillers #bass #music #thedrop #gooey #watch #followme @hqpropzhong really liking the 5146
#heliorc #odin fw, this firmware is the best to date so far can not wait for this to go public so people can try it for themselves!! #rmrc #strixrc #teamrmrc #teamstrix #spring #imuf #droneracing #drones #mrnoizefpv #miniquad #fpv #fpvlife #fpvaf #quaddiction #airvuz #prostatus #hero6 #gopro
My 6s #screech fleet on deck🔥🔥🔥😎 #rmrc #teamrmrc #strix #teamstrixrc #screech-r #quaddiction #airvuz #hero6 #prostatus #fpvaf #fpv #miniquad #mrnoizefpv #propkillers #fpvlife #multigp #droneracing #drones #tmotor #f60 #1750kv
Felt good to dust off the sticks racing has begun lets do this!! racing with hero6 is fun ;-) #rmrc #teamrmrc #strix #teamstrixrc #quaddiction #drones #fpv #fpvaf #hero6 #droneracing #airvuz #prostatus #propkillers #fpvlife #practice #flying
The Farm
The Cannon
Big Planes