4 items with #d6duopro

January 2019 Haul - Beta 65& & 75 Pro 2 | Trash Can | Tiny Leader & More
HobbyMate D6 Duo Pro | Le meilleur chargeur de sa gamme
Great for traveling!!! Built in AC power supply, can also be powered via DC, USB charging or wireless charging if your phone supports it. Got this from www.Hobbycool.com worth a look if you’re after portability and convenience when traveling etc #bmsweb #racing #drone #droneracing #d6duopro #d6duoprocharger #batterycharger
My review of the new #hobbymate d6 duo pro charger is up. I also got you a 20% off coupon which lowers tge price to $120 #hobbycool #d6duopro #acdccharger #lipocharger #isdtd2killer