29 items with #champion

I guess i managed to do some cool stuff this weekend... full video on my channel. #gap #almostdied #fpvlife #dronephotography #dronephotography #videographer #fpvfreestyle #armattanquads #chameleonti #champion #eggs #sendit
After a long three days of racing, I managed to pull off the win at the 2019 tiny whoop invitational against the best whoop pilots in the world! First off I want to tip my hat off to Jesse Perkins for hosting such an amazing event that was full of good vibes and great competition. I also want to thank Jameson Malpezzi and NewBeeDrone for sponsoring me and supplying me with a rig that gives me the confidence to push past the known limits of tiny whoops. Seriously if you haven’t tried a BEEBRAINLITE yet your missing out! And finally I want to thank all the pilots and friends of mine for coming together to make this event great! I’ll be back next year to defend my title, but until then, I’ll happily hold the title as the fastest tiny whoop pilot in the world!!! #tinywhoop #beebrainlite #newbeedrone #champion #guccimink #ALLTHEBELTS #tinywhoopinvitational2019
Hat Trick Hero! 😎🚀🏆🏆🏆Winning 1st place at all 3 races of @techdroneleague this season! I won 2 trophies today....1 for this weekends win and 1 for winning the season 🥇🥇🥇#immersionrc #droneshop #gemfan #foxeer #hglrc #egodrift #pennywise #microstorm #torvolfpv #hglrc #drone #drones #droneracing #racingdrone #champion #fpv #hatrick #istabul #turkey #techdroneleague #fpv #winner #isentit #menacerc
Lost my check-in bag (TechDroneLeague Istanbul) | IRIE Vlog #44
🔥🏁🔥 . . #Drones #DroneRacing #DroneLife #DRL #FPV #FPVracing #FPVaddiction #Champion
My wins in 2018: 3rd 🥉 Place Team Race IDRA Utrecht @ghettodino @sircrashalotfpv @ohguyfpv 1st 🥇 Place TDL Istanbul 3rd 🥉 Place Dutch Drone Nationals Veendam 1st 🥇 Place Zeeland Summercup 3rd 🥉 Place IDRA Challengers Cup Zuidbroek 1st 🥇 Place Curaçao Sambil Race 2nd 🥈 Place Dutch Drone Nationals Finals 🎖😎 Still a few events left so I hope to get some more wins before the year is over but so far 2018 has been awesome! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Cheers to all my fans and my haters 🍻😋 #fpv #fpvracing #drone #droneracing #nkdronerace #techdroneleague #tdl #idra #winnings #2018 #goodrun #drones #racingdrone #torvolfpv #trophy #champion #racing #pilot #quaddiction #immersionrc #dinogy #gemfan #foxeer #hglrc #arubarocks
Aircrasher event - Our playground
Aircrasher event - One last time
This weekend we have been flying on the last German event of 4 (F3U Meisterschaft series) in 2018. It was a weekend full of fun, flying and nerves! (fpv life): it was a very tight race, but I managed to take the gold in female category I would like to congratulate all the winners of Meisterschaft and open category! Especially my fellow ladies - @schneckfpv and @fpvangioletta 😍 The total number of pilots in our category were able to fill the podium. And we represent the best of the best! We rock! 😎😎😎 #drone #drones #fpv #fpvaddict #lexie #dronegirl #fpvgirl #dronegear #dronestagram #irishgirl #polishgirl #quaddiction #quads #explore #create #tattu #infinityspin #maionhigh #egodrift #motor #champion #fai #championship #airvuz #immersionrc #AtomBombBaby #gold #medal #f3u #droneracing
A Day with MultiGP Champion Alex Vanover
I'm Sick Panasonic Lumix GH5 Best Vlogging Camera EVER