I don't usually post stuff not related to drones, but this week we need to make an exception!
I got a lot of work. At the momment making videos for YT on computer on the left, while doing some graphic project. And on the right - code code code 🤓
This week will be one of the most challanging ones regarding my attempt to combine drone life and work life. Not sure how will it go 😱
But I am staying positive ☺️
What are You guys up to!? Btw. Still amused when some people don't know that I actually work 😂
#drone #drones #fpv #fpvaddict #lexie #dronegirl #fpvgirl #dronegear #dronestagram #irishgirl #polishgirl #quaddiction #quads #explore #create #gemfan #tattu #infinityspin #team #maionhigh #programming #work #wework #code #python #django #html #css #bash #liclipse