Skwad Up. IQ Motion Control setup leading the pack for 3D. Behind it KISS, BetaFlight, and ButterFlight setups for testing. Think I finally located the bug I was suffering from on KISS, and fixed up the other setups. #Test #ALLTHETHINGS
Love Depot park- the lady that runs the Segway place is a fan, told me to have fun before I flew and always seams stoked I'm flying in the field haha. Likewise a city worker was excited on my flying. Nice to have a spot the city is okay with me flying, and where the locals are cool with it after my string of bad luck at having my favorite places shut down for 'Enviromental Reasons'
Skate the sky! #FPV #Life #AirVuz #RotorRiot #Drones #IQMotionControl #APC #CaliforniaQuads #FB-01